Author Topic: WIW '74 Cuda fenders - poor shape  (Read 746 times)

Offline BB73Challenger

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WIW '74 Cuda fenders - poor shape
« on: May 06, 2010 - 05:59:50 AM »
So I'm cleaning out my garage from the Cuda rebuild and while dragging the front fenders out a buddy came by and said "what are you doing with those"

I said that they are a bit rusty, have some small holes and worst of all the marker lights have been chopped up on them (originally, my brother was going to recess the marker lights) and that I was probably just going to put them out for the scrappers.

He claims they still have value, but I know more than likey if any it would only be to someone who can pick them up localy (shipping is a bear on them).

Any thoughts on if these do have value?
Jeff from Cleveland, Ohio